Saturday 5 April 2014

Futurism (Design)

Filippo Tommaso Marinetti
Futurism was a new art movement founded in Italy in 1909. It was compared to the designs of romanticism. The futurist’s Artists really like to add speed, Noise, Machines, Pollution and Light. That’s because they enjoy the world rather than the forces that are going around.

F.t.Marinetti was the founder of futurism in 1909. In most of his work he included; Literary movement’s, Dynamic abstracts forms, moving typography and Embraced technology. These designs were one of a kind and people were amazed at his works. It made a great hit that other artist used it in different categories like; Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, Music, Photography and Clothing.

Designer Fortunata Depero manifested the style commercial version for covers of Vanity Fair magazine, Campari and his own book called Depere futurustan in the year 1920s.

By that time they also started designing typography so they can make it look more ‘catchy’ to the eye. The type of design they use is called ‘serif’ and it has that little edge design on every typography of the letter. 

These are some work: 

Artist: F. Marinetti

Artist: F. Marinetti
Artist: F. Marinetti

Artist: F. Marinetti
Anon. Tate [online] Available at :  <> [Accessed on 1st April, 2014].

2002. Futurism [online] Available at :  <> [Accessed on 1st April, 2014].

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